iFROG - ANR project n° 21-CE01-0012

The current retreat of glaciers is a symbol of the impact of climate change in mountainous areas. The future evolution of mountain glaciers is of major concern to the world scientific community, policy-makers and civil society. However, our knowledge on the future evolution of glaciers is limited by the huge uncertainty affecting the future of high mountain precipitation and by the oversimplified representation of snow/ice albedo feedbacks in current glaciological modelling. The iFROG project aims at refining the glacier evolution scenario by addressing these bottlenecks. The project is based on three well-documented glaciers located in contrasting climatic zones. The project will first refine our estimates of the quantities of precipitation and of the rain/snow limit using space and ground observations and atmospheric modelling. Based on these accurate estimates combined with a physically based glacier mass balance model accounting for the different feedbacks linked to the evolution of precipitation, the iFROG project will provide unprecedented accurate simulations of the future evolution of the ice masses.

Updated on 16 May 2022