Fanny BRUN

Scientific coordinator: Fanny Brun is an IRD researcher (CRCN, hired in 2020). Her PhD, defended in 2018, was awarded with the “Prix Prud’homme”, the “Prix de thèse de l’UGA” and the “Prix de géophysique”. She did a postdoc at Utrecht University under the supervision of Walter Immerzeel in 2019. Her main speciality is combining fieldwork and remote sensing to study glacier processes at multiple scales (Brun et al., 2017, 2018, 2019). Her work on remote sensing of glaciers in Asia strengthened multiple international collaborations, resulting in high impact publications (Dehecq et al., 2019; Dussaillant et al., 2019; Kääb et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018; Hugonnet et al., 2021). During her postdoc, she also developed skills in climate data analysis to study Tibetan Plateau lake’s response to precipitation changes (Brun et al., 2020). She was awarded a L’Oréal UNESCO fellowship (15 k€) in 2018, which was used to organize a scientific expedition with German collaborators. Following this expedition, a masters’ student worked under F. Brun and E. Berthier supervision (March-July 2020) to further exploit the field data in combination with high resolution satellite imagery. In total, F. Brun (co-)supervised four masters’ students over the last four years, and is co-supervising a PhD student who started in spring 2021 (Arbindra Khadka; funding: ARTS PhD fellowship awarded by IRD, main supervisor: P. Wagnon).

Updated on 10 June 2022